School Improvement Plan


School Self Evaluation (SSE) is a process that schools all over the country are currently engaged in. It is a “collaborative, inclusive, and reflective process of internal school review”.

The process of School Self Evaluation involves gathering information from a range of sources about the quality of teaching and learning in our school, and then making decisions. It culminates in the development of a School Improvement Plan which sets targets for improvement in certain areas. The guiding framework for the SSE process is a document called 'Looking at Our Schools 2022, A Quality Framework for Primary Schools'. The ultimate purpose of SSE is to improve the quality of learning in our schools and the learning experience for our pupils.

Our School Improvement Targets 2023-2026 are aimed at 4 key areas - attendance, wellbeing, literacy and numeracy. Data was gathered using parent surveys; pupil surveys and questionnaires; staff questionnaires; analysis of work samples; and looking at assessment data in school.  Below we have a synopsis of some of the targets we have set and hope to achieve during this period:


Wellbeing Aims/Targets (2023 - 2026):

  1. Pupils understand what to do if they feel they are being bullied - Increase to 85% in Year 1; 90% in Year 2; 95% in Year 3
  2. Promote health and wellbeing initiatives in the school e.g. Daily Mile; movement breaks, mindfulness breaks
  3. Recognise/encourage acts of kindness/friendship amongst pupils
  4. Provide a space/spaces to ensure opportunities for social interaction and quiet time. 


Attendance Aims/Targets (2023 - 2026):

  1. Increase pupil/parent motivation to attend school regularly through whole school initiatives and more targeted approaches and by informing families of the benefits of good attendance / negative impact of poor attendance
  2. Reduce the number of unexplained absences from 21.5% to 15% in Year 1; 12% in Year 2; and 8% in Year 3
  3. Reduce the number of days missed due to holidays from 17.2% to 15% in Year 1; 12% in Year 2; and 10% in Year 3.
  4. To achieve an average attendance rate of 95% across all class levels by the end of Year 3.


Literacy Aims/Targets (2024 - 2026):

  1. Focus on development of the Writing Process. We are focusing on explicitly and systematically teaching children to write using a structured approach as outlined by Stephen Graham.
  2. We will break down the teaching of writing into small and manageable chunks and then link this directly to the development of oral language. We will develop a metalanguage for the teaching of writing that can then be carried across to a whole school approach and be represented in a scope and sequence of writing.


Numeracy (2025 - 2026)

  1. Ensuring all children have access to a broad range of equipment to model their thinking and that they have freedom and autonomy to create and express their own ideas/solutions.
  2. Children will have the opportunity to use their own informal strategies as well as commonly used procedures to strengthen their understanding and skills




Following engagement with the School Self-Evaluation (SSE) process, we will be focusing on the area of self assessment during the year. This means we will be working with pupils and encouraging the use of self assessment practices so pupils can become familiar with looking at their work, reflecting on it; identifying what they did well; identifying how they could make improvements.

We will be using strategies like Two Stars and a Wish (the pupil identifies two things that they like about their work and one thing they can improve on); KWL Charts (a grid divided into 3 sections. The 1st section, K, identifies what the pupil already knows about a topic; the second section, W, records any questions the pupil may have or what they would like to learn; the third section, L, records what the pupil has learned); Learning Logs; Checklists; Rubrics and much more.

Pupils will also be creating and adding work to their ePortfolios. This is reflected in the schools digital learning plan.

We would encourage parents to take a similar approach at home. For example you could:

  • ask your child to reflect on a piece of homework and ask them what they like about it or is there anything they could improve on
  • recording your child reading can also be useful. When you play it back you can ask
    • did you read at an appropriate pace or was it too fast / too slow
    • did you pause at commas
    • did you stop for 3 seconds at a full stop
    • did you read with appropriate expression where necessary etc
  • with written pieces
    • is there a heading and date on the work
    • does each sentence begin  with a capital letter
    • is there a space between each word
    • are punctuation marks used correctly etc